
"Congratulations on your first children's book. 

The book was amazing! Being a teacher is extra special. Teachers are the ones who help shape the kids of the world. 

I love how you spoke on having PURPOSE in life. It's paramount for kids to learn what their purpose is in life at an early age. 

Thanks for sharing your gifts and talents with the world.

Continue to let God use you so He can get all the GLORY!"

                                                                      -K. B.

"This book is well written and illustrated combined with a wonderful message. Ms. Carter's class has a guest speaker for the day (Mr. Grayson) who comes to tell the students why he became a teacher. Throughout the story he explains several reasons why he enjoys teaching and sums up his speech by saying that teaching is his purpose in life. 

This book will definitely keep children engaged and wanting to know what will happen next.

It's definitely a book I would recommend!"

                                                                   -P. M.

"This book will introduce students to the teaching profession through the eyes of a male educator. Colorful images are incorporated throughout the book."

                                                                      -Y. C. 

"Reading this book has truly inspired me to become a teacher. Thank you Dr. Alisa Ross. May God continue to richly bless you."

                                                               -R. F. J. R.